


有效的医疗保健从业人员超越了基础科学. They also bring perspectives from the social sciences and humanities into their work. This minor prepares you for a career in medicine, dentistry or several other healthcare disciplines.


如果你想从事医疗事业, you quickly learn that the technical parts of your job are just the start. This minor helps you build the knowledge and perspectives to get a 360-degree view of your chosen field.

That means taking advanced classes in biology, biomedical engineering and psychology, to name a few. 但, 你还可以和人类学家一起工作, 历史学家, sociologists and political scientists to experience a fuller picture of healthcare in the United States.

到你毕业的时候, you are prepared to take entrance exams used for admittance to graduate programs. (MCAT可能需要一些额外的课程, 您可以与您的Pre-医疗保健顾问讨论). You also develop a perspective that takes some practitioners years to acquire — and one your future clients and patients will appreciate.


Complete 25 credit hours to receive credit for this minor: six required courses and healthcare-related electives focus on biomedical science and engineering, 社会科学和人文科学.


  • 解剖学和生理学
  • 生物信息学
  • 医疗保健政策
  • 医学史
  • 人类性行为
  • 医学伦理学
  • 神经科学与社会
  • 妇女、性别和科学


The medicine and healthcare minor gets you out of the classroom and into the field. 完成所有要求, you must spend at least 50 hours working in a professional setting involving interactions with both health professionals and clients or patients.

在过去, Clarkson students have worked in hospitals and clinics and served as EMTs, 急救人员或运动教练.

Get a no-holds-barred look at a range of healthcare professions from those who know the best: the people working in them. 在医学上 & 医疗专业研讨会, prepare to discuss potential career paths and roles with guest speakers. 了解他们是如何进入自己的领域的, the challenges and opportunities they see ahead and where you might fit in.

The medicine and healthcare minor fulfills most of your esball国际平台客户端共同经历 requirements. It does not fulfill all course requirements for students in certain advising tracks, though. (Pre-med students, for example, must take additional biology, chemistry and physics courses.)

The medicine and healthcare minor illuminates some of the choices you could face in the field. Our pre-health advising tracks ensure you're taking the right classes to reach your goals. Once you select a track, work closely with an advisor to build a plan leading to graduate work.


  • 职业治疗(esball国际平台客户端的职业治疗项目)
  • 医师助理研究(esball国际平台客户端私人助理项目)
  • 物理治疗(加入esball国际平台客户端的PT项目)
  • Pre-dental
  • 预科
  • Pre-pharmacy
  • Pre-public健康
  • Pre-optometry
  • Pre-veterinarian

A minor in medicine and healthcare is available to students in all degree programs. 要获得辅修课程,学生必须完成25个学分:


  1. BY160细胞与分子生物学
  2. 细胞与分子生物学实验室(2学分)
  3. BY471解剖学与生理学
  4. py151心理学概论
  5. HS220医学 & 医疗专业研讨会(1学分)
  6. HS405医疗保健体验式学习(1学分)

HS220医学 & 医疗专业研讨会

本课程由 职业中心 with the assistance of the Pre-健康 Advising Coordinator and in consultation with the Clarkson 健康 Professions Committee Chair. It meets semi-weekly and uses a seminar format to bring in human health professionals from a diversity of fields to discuss their professions, 包括他们的职业所包含的内容, the academic and experiential tracks they followed to become medical professionals, their perspectives on the future directions of their fields and opportunities for Clarkson students to pursue these fields. It also brings representatives from different professional schools to discuss admission, 费用和职业机会.

HS405医学体验式学习 & 医疗保健

完成辅修课程, a student is required to accumulate at least 50 hours of work in a health professional setting. The work must include some form of interaction with health professionals and with patients or analogous health-service recipients. Examples include healthcare internships or volunteer positions at a hospital or clinic, 完成HS210健康教练II或担任EMT, 急救人员或运动教练. Conducting research with medical applications that do not involve working with patients/health-service recipients does not meet the requirements for this course.

为了满足这一要求, 学生必须参加HS405医学体验式学习 & 医疗和, 在相关学期结束前, 是否已提交完成工作时间的证明, 还有一篇自我反思的短文(大约两页). The essay should describe what the student did and learned during the experience and how the experience has affected the student’s professional goals and preparation. It is not necessary to enroll in HS405 prior to the work experience, and indeed it is often more practical for students to enroll in HS405 at some point after they have completed the necessary hours.


Electives (12 credit hours) include at least three credit hours from each of the four categories:


  • 生物医学导论 & 康复工程
  • CM305生物化学健康科学或CM460生物化学
  • BY 380免疫学研究技术
  • BY416毒理学原理 & 流行病学
  • BY419免疫学
  • 生物医学康复工程导论 & 科学
  • BY448医学微生物学
  • BY452药理学
  • BY472解剖学和生理学2
  • 解剖学和生理学I实验室(2学分)
  • 解剖学和生理学II实验室(2学分)
  • BY476当前生物学话题 & 医学
  • BY480高级细胞生物学
  • BY485神经工程
  • BY488干细胞 & 再生医学

第二类:健康心理学 & 社会科学

  • HS200健康教练1[2学分]
  • HS210健康教练2[2学分]
  • SS221性入门
  • ANTH 238男人和男子气概
  • PY268多样性科学
  • SOC320医学社会学
  • SOC330健康、财富、不平等和环境
  • PY372社区心理学
  • PY461 Judgment and Decision Making or PY363 Judgment and Decision Making for the Biomedical 科学s
  • PY462变态心理学
  • PY463健康心理学


  • HIST 230科学与社会
  • HIST 270社会、文化导论 & 生物学
  • HIST 331古代医学和魔法
  • HIST 321美国公共卫生史
  • 文艺复兴时期的科学、技术与社会
  • HIST 335欧洲和北美医学史
  • 美国历史上的妇女、性别与科学
  • HIST 459神经科学 & 社会


  • BIE400负责任的研究行为
  • BIE410生物医学伦理学
  • PHIL241医学伦理学
  • POL380法律和生命伦理学

大一的时候,我和无国界医生组织一起去了越南. 这是一次不可思议的经历, as it allowed me to see similarities and differences to our own healthcare system. 作为未来的医疗保健专业人士, having knowledge of other cultures’ healthcare systems will allow me to treat patients more holistically. 我了解了不同文化的医疗体系, 如何分诊, 缝合, new medical conditions during our condition of the week and current events in healthcare.

Brandon Formoza, 22岁 生物分子科学学士学位,辅修医学和保健专业


很少有哪个领域能像医疗保健那样发展迅速. 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, 到2031年,对工人的需求预计将增长13%. 这是近200万个新工作岗位.

The medicine and healthcare minor can introduce you to fields including:

  • 牙科
  • 医学
  • 验光
  • 药店
  • 物理和职业治疗
  • 医师助理护理
  • 公共卫生
  • 兽医


电子邮件: biology@getcarddoctor.com

电话: 315-268-2342

The Department of 生物学 oversees the medicine and healthcare minor. 今天esball国际平台客户端了解更多.


The minor in medicine and healthcare at Clarkson gives you a 360-degree view of the field — and makes you a better practitioner before you even start your career. 今天了解更多.